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Monday 19 December 2011

The Bhaskar : No.1 Indian MLM News Portal: OurEbiz: अपना लिंक ऑनलाइन प्रमोट करें और घर बैठे क...

The Bhaskar : No.1 Indian MLM News Portal: OurEbiz: अपना लिंक ऑनलाइन प्रमोट करें और घर बैठे क...: Amit Sahu यह plan उन लोगो के लिए है जो MLM से कमाना तो चाहते है लेकिन घर घर जा कर प्लान बताने में हिचकिचाते है , हाँ दोस्तों OurEbiz के इस ...बेईमान कम्पनी हे क्यों अपना कीमती समय खराब कर रहे हो कोई पैसा- बसा नहीं आता हे मुर्गा फ़साने का काम हे में खुद भुक्तभोगी हु
बेईमान कम्पनी हे क्यों अपना कीमती समय खराब कर रहे हो कोई पैसा- बसा नहीं आता हे मुर्गा फ़साने का काम हे में खुद भुक्तभोगी हु

Saturday 11 June 2011

Real happiness doesn’t depend on anyone but you,

Many people seek happiness the wrong way. Either they think there’s nothing they can do against external circumstances, or they just sit there and wait for Luck or Destiny to come to their aid, thinking someone else can show them the way. They could wait for a very long time, because that kind of mentality never accomplishes anything.

You create your own happiness, and it depends solely on You. The first thing you have to do is decide what you want to do with your life, and set at least one goal for yourself.

It doesn’t matter whether you set material or spiritual goals. What does matter is that you have a direction to follow. Once you determine what your goals are, don’t count on anyone else but yourself to reach your destination.

Do everything you can to move forward with your plans. Think, speak and act in ways that bring you closer to attaining what you want, if only for a few minutes a day. That will keep you on the right track.
Each day that passes without you thinking, speaking and acting to further your objectives is a day lost. But if you keep your mind focused, you’re sure to succeed.

Don’t wait for events to become favorable, or for other people to come along and help you. Just do what you need to do, at your own speed, and be constant in your efforts. That way you’re sure to reach the shores of happiness. Give up on the idea of Luck or Destiny – your life is what you make it!

Don’t wait for life to start smiling at you. Instead, put on a happy face and smile at  life!


  1. I have seen many frustrated  Net Workers, worked like an 
     obedient follower of their UPLINE for years and got nothing but disappointment. Is there a justification in their cry or is it just “Sour Grapes”? Can’t we give them a life time solution ? Can’t SPEAKASIA be an one and only solution to their problem ?